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Early strawberry crop a sweet treat

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An usually early strawberry season means those who love to pick them may need to adjust their schedules. Otherwise, they could be in a bit of a jam.

Murray Boonstra, owner of Boonstra Farms in Stonewall, is seeing the earliest crop of strawberries in more than 20 years. His farm will open Saturday (8 a.m.) to pickers, which is well ahead of schedule.

“We’ve been fortunate all the way around, just the right amount of rain and it’s a bumper crop,” he said on Thursday. “The biggest concern is we’ve been early before, not this early, and people aren’t adjusted to having berries in June.

“Sometimes the crowds just don’t come until July 1. If it starts a week earlier or more, it’s going to end early too.”

The season generally lasts three weeks to a month, Boonstra said. He could have opened even earlier, but he wasn’t expecting the crop to be ready so soon, so he reserved bookings for school tours until Friday and he can’t host both at once.

It’s hard to say exactly why the berries were ready so soon, he said.

“We had a nice spring, no doubt, but we’ve had nice springs before,” he said. “There’s just no rhyme or reason. It hasn’t been that unusually warm, which is usually an indication.

“We just had an early spring and the berries decided to pop out of the ground.”

Boonstra Farms, a 15-minute drive north of Winnipeg, sees as many as 5,000 pickers on busy days such as Canada Day. They otherwise average 2,000 a day.

“We have 35 acres of strawberries, so there’s a lot of berries out there to be picked,” Boonstra said.

Boonstra figured he only irrigated his crop twice this year due to the amount of rain. Plenty of heat and sunshine, much like what we had Thursday, would be ideal if it continued, he said.

This is also the earliest the owners of Jardins St. Leon Gardens outdoor market on St. Mary’s Road have seen strawberries in more than 25 years.

“Having Manitoba strawberries for Father’s Day is unheard of,” said Colin Remillard, a co-owner of the family business. “It’s a crazy early year.

“The best thing about the strawberries coming out is it makes everyone excited for the summer and the produce that’s coming in. It’s kind of like the catalyst to a great summer starting up. The restaurant patios are open and this whole excitement of Winnipeg summers kind of contrasts our winters.”

Boonstra and Remillard both said early springs often result in a late frost that can kill the crops, but that didn’t happen this year.

Most of Jardin St. Leon Gardens strawberries are grown on farms in Portage la Prairie, with other produce coming from rural areas not far from the city, including Otterburne. Farmers of quick-growing vegetables such as peas, potatoes, beans and radishes will be able to plant another crop to be harvested later this season, Remillard said.

“We’ve got peas and beats and typically they don’t start coming until at least July,” Remillard said. “We’re going to get the small, baby potatoes as well. Typically they are in mid-July.”

This year also marks the earliest St. Leon Gardens has received its first batch of B.C. cherries and apricots, he said, noting they arrived in early June.

No matter what the weather will bring this summer, Boonstra’s outlook remains sunny.

“Every year is different,” he said. “If it was all the same it would be pretty boring.” 

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