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Letters: June 23, 2016

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Deadline drama

Re: "Sewage treatment plant timeline remains unknown," June 21.

The city's manager of engineering services for water and waste has stated, "the city must avoid rushing to ensure the $795-million upgrade to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from the plant's effluent is done right the first time." When did this change come about or was he speaking without thinking? The removal of nitrogen was extremely controversial, during Mayor Katz time in office and the NDP government eventually relented to the pressures of the critics, not to make it compulsory at that time. What happened?

John Fefchak

Since then the province ordered the city to make these upgrades.

Tough talk

I am writing in regards to an article in the Tuesday Winnipeg Sun which states that a blue collar worker in Lachine Quebec was suspended because of some remarks he made during one of his work breaks -- remarks that apparently sympathized with the actions of the shooter in Orlando Florida. Regardless of how you personally view this man's outlook, it looks like freedom of speech in Canada has gone the way of the dodo bird -- unless your views match those of the majority!

John Metro

People have and will always be accountable for what they say.

Delivery woes

Something appears to be amiss with our postal delivery these days. Previously, with home delivery, our mail was delivered on a daily basis by a friendly mail carrier with a smiling face. Bills, cheques, letters, etc. showed up in our home mailbox almost every day of the week. Since being switched over to a Community mailbox there seems to be a change in the process. We receive mail approximately once every five to seven days "¦ including flyers. Is this because of a shortage of mail carriers or is this Canada Post's way of reducing costs?

Ken W. Friesen

Have you sent a letter asking Canada Post?

One small step for mankind

Go figure? The climate change issue rages on but the fact that anthropogenic Co2 emissions have increased is verifiable. Those emissions parallel population increase and demand and part of the solution is to stop waste. Millions pay lip service to the issue but when it comes to their own comfort they have convenient memory lapses. Now, here's something I cannot understand and that is why do people set their thermostats to 78° in the winter and 65° in the summer? That PERCEIVED comfort level of a few degrees adds millions of tons of Co2 emissions to the atmosphere. A sweater or shorts achieve the same result and they're easier on your bank account. Give it a think when you set your thermostat.

Alan Stewart

Canadians' home heating and cooling behaviour plays only a small role in GHG production.

Bad bet

Placing NHL hockey in Las Vegas is a bad idea. If it happens, it should last about as long as one of their comedy acts wearing a bad suit telling knock-knock jokes. I predict that moving vans likely with Nevada plates will arrive at Quebec City's door in about three years. Should this actually happen and the price is right, the NHL won't need to knock.

Gord Harder

The good folks in Quebec hope they won't have to wait that long.

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