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Letters: June 3, 2016

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Don’t hit homeowners

The real mistake here is, school taxes should be completely removed from the backs of property owners. This process now actually discriminates against property owners. One gets penalized for working hard and having a nice home. How is it fair when multiple families living in one home send 10 children into one school on one property tax? How is it fair when welfare families send multiple children in a school paying zero. Why do seniors owning a home have to pay till the day they die? Why do couples with no children have to pay? Why do cabin owners have to pay twice? Schools should be funded by the collection of PST/GST and by everyone who files income tax, rich or poor paying and equal amount. Manitoba is one of a few provinces who punish property owners. Make it a fair system.

Jeff Seaford

All provinces in Western Canada collect school taxes from property owners, but that’s not to say the system is fair.

Few gentlemen (or ladies)

Re: “Let it go,” Letter, May 31.

Have I missed something? A lady in the House of Commons gets hit — unintentionally but painfully, nonetheless — and does the reasonable and discreet thing, leaving the room for a time to recover her composure. After all the dust settles, a great many other people call the prime minister to account for his display of crass immaturity, which included a lot more bad behaviour than just accidentally injuring a fellow MP. The mildest and most low key voice in all this was Ms. Brosseau, whose acceptance of Trudeau’s apology was measured, reasonable, and constructive. Then, for her trouble, she is vilified by all the cretins and morons in the twitterverse. One would think that it was she who had been swearing and manhandling the other members. I get it that there are precious few gentlemen in this country anymore, but evidently bile and imbecility are equal opportunity failings, as is evidenced by the letter from Ms. Mather in Tuesday’s Sun.

Dave Sandeman

The behaviour described in the letter wouldn’t have helped that situation.

No respect

Re: All-party committee agrees to accept Trudeau’s apology and move on. I’m so glad for that! If ever I stand before a judge on an assault charge and he asks if I have anything to say before sentencing, I’ll say that I invoke the Trudeau excuse/apology and I’ll just skip right out of the court room! And they wonder why they are not respected.

Mike Roebuck

Let’s hope they’ve all learned something from this sad episode.


Former Liberal leader of Canada and NDP leader/premier of Ontario Bob Rae demonstrated the maturity of an eight-year-old and the judgment of a gnat when he stuck his fingers down his throat as PM Justin Trudeau was gracious enough to praise former PM Stephen Harper. I remember being at a Blue Jays game at Exhibition Stadium many years ago and seeing Premier Rae with, I assume, his young child. Fans were heckling him, and I told them that this was “not the time and place for this nonsense.” Mr. Rae, sadly, the same advice now holds true for you.

Bill Millar

Indeed. Rae’s apologized but It was a classless thing to do.

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