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What to expect from Brian Pallister now

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Congratulations, Manitoba: you’ve voted for change.

Now what can we expect from the Progressive Conservatives once they’re formally sworn in as government a week or two from now?

Well, despite the fearmongering heard by the NDP these past six weeks, Premier-elect Brian Pallister will not fire every nurse, doctor, and teacher in this province, nor will he cancel provincial funding of cancer-fighting drugs. And infrastructure funding is likely to remain healthy, even if it isn’t enough to pay for boutique NDP promises such as a St. Norbert bypass.

After all, a politician’s primary job after winning an election is to win re-election. And cutting essential front-line services isn’t the way to do that.

More likely, changes — at least in the first year — are likely to be very gradual in nature, with Pallister only committing during the campaign to trimming the province’s massive deficit by $21 million in his first budget.

His first act as premier will be to appoint a cabinet, which had ballooned to 19 under Greg Selinger. During the campaign, he said he’d cut the size of cabinet by about six. Given how much positive publicity Justin Trudeau received for reaching gender equality with his cabinet last fall, bet on Pallister finding spots for at least six women in his inner circle.

Once that’s done, the Tories are likely to start talking about what a mess the NDP left behind — a classic argument made by virtually every new government — while crafting a budget for release in late May or early June. They’re also likely to announce reviews and audits of various government departments in an effort to find savings, figure out who should lead their task force into reducing emergency room wait times, and replace the premier’s economic advisory council with his team of entrepreneurial advisors.

Pallister’s first budget should include the abolishment of the vote tax subsidy for political parties brought in by the NDP. His government will also commit Manitoba to joining the New West Partnership. And they’ll pass the Protecting Children Act, announce a timetable to begin reducing ambulance fees, and develop a new system that gives municipalities more say on how infrastructure money should be spent.

Longer term, Pallister will likely also make up ground on the province’s $722-million deficit between now and 2020, when voters head to the polls again. Since he hasn’t announced a target date for balancing the budget, though, don’t be shocked if he hasn’t completely balanced the books by then. And the PST will be decreased by a point, likely in 2020.

If none of this sounds particularly scandalous to you, that’s because it’s not.

That isn’t to say governing will be easy for the Tories. There are undoubtedly heated arguments ahead in the legislature as the Pallister government’s philosophy begins translating into concrete action.

Union heads will cry bloody murder when the Tories bring back rules requiring secret ballot votes prior to union certification while doing away with forced labour agreements on government construction projects — two staples brought in by the NDP early on in what ended up being a 16-plus-year mandate.

How the Tories will implement the findings of its ER task force, whatever they may end up being, is sure to be potential fodder for whomever leads the NDP into the next election. So, too, will their urban reserve development plan, how they manage Manitoba Hydro, and whether they can actually deliver on their promise of giving Manitobans a more open and transparent government.

In other words, Pallister and friends are about to find out the genuinely hard part wasn’t winning an election. It’s governing.

For Manitoba’s sake, here’s hoping they’re up to the task.


What the Tories have vowed to accomplish in their first 100 days in office:

  • Abolish the NDP “vote tax” subsidy for political parties
  • Restore the right to vote on tax increases
  • Initiate the value for money review
  • Reduce the size of cabinet services
  • Establish Wait Times Reduction Task Force
  • Table The Protecting Children Act
  • Begin to reduce ambulance fees
  • Implement the open government initiative
  • Establish Red Tape Reduction Task Force Economy
  • Meet with City of Winnipeg, AMM and other municipalities on strategic infrastructure investment
  • Engage indigenous leaders on duty to consult
  • Join the New West Partnership
  • Initiate 96/4 tourism commitment and launch Yes! North
  • Establish the Premier’s Enterprise Team
  • Send Bipole III project to the Public Utilities Board for a proper review

Source: PC Party

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