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Homes not 'silver bullet' for homelessness

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A local group tasked with reducing homelessness in Winnipeg is supportive of a report that takes aim at suggestions a popular initiative credited with ending homelessness elsewhere is a “silver bullet.”

A report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives said the respected Housing First initiative, which gained favour in many cities and was credited with “ending” homelessness in Medicine Hat, Alta., is not the cure-all that it has at times been touted to be.

Housing First’s foundation lies in a belief that in order to address the needs of the homeless, first you must get them housing. Dealing with individuals’ mental health or poverty issues comes after.

The report’s author, Matthew Stock, said Housing First is only one piece of a much larger and more complex puzzle.

“Housing First by itself isn’t really going to solve anything,” said Stock, a research associate at the University of Ottawa. “You can find people who are homeless a home 100 times, but if you don’t really address the root causes of homelessness, nothing’s going to change.”

Stock argues Housing First should be a complement in the larger strategy, which should include more investment in social and affordable housing, programs aimed at high-risk populations and poverty-reduction, among others.

Louis Soren, the CEO of End Homelessness Winnipeg, agrees.

“We need to pay attention to all the different pathways — health care and social services, child welfare and all these things to try and look at addressing the root causes of this,” Soren said. “If we don’t, the fact is we can give all the housing, but we’ll never turn the tap off.”

Stock and Soren are both in favour of Housing First for its contributions to lowering homelessness in the many cities worldwide in which it has been utilized.

“I’d say the biggest role Housing First has is addressing the needs of people who have already become homeless,” said Stock, adding Housing First has had successes greater than some previous models.

Twitter: @LarkinsWSun

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