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Some Sun suggestions for 2016

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We're now a couple of days into 2016 and that's right around the time all those New Year resolutions go down the toilet.

Hey, congrats if you made it this far.

Around Manitoba Joe and Jane Q. Public have made those promises to themselves - to quit smoking, to shed a few pounds, to learn a new talent - in the search of self-improvement.

Are the politicians and deal-makers of the province doing the same thing? Perhaps. But just in case, here's one man's suggestion on some resolutions a select handful of Manitobans might want to consider.

• Rana Bokhari

The Liberal leader has done well for herself in putting her and her party more in public view has we approach April's provincial election. Support her or not, Bokhari has been more front-and-centre in recent months than she was previously and that's buoyed her party's chances of winning seats in a few months. Bokhari has been bold in her pledges for what the Liberals would do if elected, but now we want the leader to resolve to tell us how she'll pay for all of these campaign promises. She says she will roll that out in due time, which is good because Manitobans are ready to hear.

• Brian Pallister

It's how politics works: Find a weak spot in your opponent and beat the living bejeezus out of it until you simply can't any more. Fine, we get it. The Progressive Conservative party were gifted their No. 1 talking point when the NDP decided to raise the PST one point. The Conservatives, tasting blood, have responded like maniacal hockey-playing Lisa Simpson yelling at her team to "hack the bone!" They've been relentless on that topic, and that's fine. But let the Opposition Leader resolve to find something else on which to rally voters. It is nearly three years since the PST hike was implemented and while we don't expect the PC's to stop playing their hit, we surely would like to hear more than one song.

• Greg Selinger

The Premier managed to stave off contenders to the throne last year and has defiantly pushed through calls from within his own party to step aside. Now Selinger is in an even bigger fight to keep his job as the PC's and Liberals both provide a threat to upend the NDP at the ballot box. Selinger will campaign on the investment and growth he touts his government responsible for since coming into power. But with things so in doubt for his party, Selinger should resolve to find new ways to rally the troops in support of the NDP cause. Voters are yawning at the same ol', same ol'.

• Brian Bowman

The mayor has more than a year under his belt now, and he's proven adept at bringing attention to the issues that matter most to him. In 2016, however, Bowman can resolve to picking his spots a bit better, namely the Donald Trump letter that many deemed unnecessary at best, and embarrassing at worst. Bowman's heart is probably in the right place, but when it comes to Trump: let's let the sleeping loudmouth lie.

• Winnipeg Blue Bombers

Surely keep your quarterback healthy, find a consistent running game and an ability to close games out in the fourth quarter are among the things we'd like to see from the Blue and Gold in 2016. But, let's talk cosmetically: The Bombers need to go to the royal-blue throwback uniforms of the 1980s and do it full time. Everyone is on board and agrees it is the best uni the team has in its closet, so break 'em out and let the city party like its 1991.

• Winnipeg Jets fans

Listen, you got a taste of the playoffs and you deserved it. You want another one, and you should. But sports can be a cruel world to those who flail the foam finger and the best laid plans yadda, yadda, yadda. Here's the thing: Resolve in 2016 to roll with the punches a little bit. Someone blogs that you shouldn't yell "True North" during the anthem? Let them have it. You don't necessarily HAVE to respond with a 1,000 word reply in the comments section or incinerate their Twitter mentions. Team isn't stacking the W's like you hoped? It doesn't mean the entire farm system should be imploded. Relax and enjoy the ride, where ever it goes. You'll be OK.

• #mbpoli Twitter

To those who tweet about politics in Manitoba, resolve to actually have a discussion on the issues you hold dear, rather than just loud screams and snark hollered into the online echo chamber.

So there's a few suggestions. As with most resolutions, I expect they'll all be disregarded or forgotten about by the end of the week.

Happy 2016.

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