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Islamic leader dispels myths, answers questions in Morden

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A local Islamic leader opened up a dialogue with Winkler and Morden residents Saturday.

About 160 attendees packed a hall in Morden for a talk by Idris Elbakri, president of the Manitoba Islamic Association, after which he answered questions — such as assuring residents that Muslim Canadian girls can in fact play hockey.

Event organizer Peter Cantelon said he wanted to clear up misinformation in the community.

“I’ve seen a lot of opinions, a lot of statements — many of them hurtful statements, many of them very negative statements — about all Muslims, about the entire faith of Islam and without any information behind it,” Cantelon said. “I’ve seen a lot of non-Muslim people fighting with non-Muslim people about Muslims and I thought we need to have someone from the community who has an understanding of the Canadian context as well as the Muslim and Islamic context speak to us, so that even if we hold negative opinions, at least they’re informed.”

After defining Islam as “uncompromising monotheism,” Elbakri covered its history and global variations.

Islam does require modesty, for both women and men, he said, but it also touts values like justice, achievement, and moderation — which he said should be applied to faith as well as eating and more practical aspects.

Elbakri ended his talk by addressing terrorism, which he explicitly condemned.

“Our position is that this is morally and spiritually crude,” he said. “We stand against this. ISIL is what we call a deformation of Islam.”

“I’m not going to say Islam is about peace because that’s a cliche, but I will say that Islam is a faith that sanctifies life and the Qur’an says, ‘Whoever kills one soul it’s as if they’ve killed all humanity; whoever saves one soul, it’s as if they’ve saved all of humanity.’”

In the question-and-answer period that followed, Elbakri explained the different types of headscarves and said yes, a Muslim woman in Canada would be allowed to invite people into her home or play hockey.

“I thought it was great,” Elbakri said of the evening. “I liked that people felt that they could ask whatever was on their minds and that the discussion was respectful ... I’m actually thrilled by this.”


"I think it's much better to allow everybody to get together in a situation like this and talk about any concerns we have instead of just staying at home brooding on what you assume are the worst case scenarios. Go in, meet somebody, meet the person that you're seeing on the news all the time and are starting to get that shadowy feeling and alleviate it by talking to that person and finding out that, actually, this is not a crazy person, this is a person just like me." — Bryan Rootsaert, Winkler

"My thoughts are that we got one side of the story from a gentle Muslim, but they certainly aren't all that way ... I think I've studied Islam enough that I didn't learn a whole lot new today." — Abe Janzen, Winkler

"I just really appreciated that he talked about peace and tried to inform on Islam. It wasn't a focus on terrorism, but just having everybody have a clear understanding." — Ashley Zylstra, Morden

"I was very impressed by the courage shown by him to enter into something like this not knowing what was coming ... we're all leaving this will a little more than we came in with." — Mike Keith, Morden

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