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Letters: November 3, 2015

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Magnotta filth

Re: "Life behind bars," Nov. 2.

I cannot believe that you are doing this article on him -- sensationalize a killer to sell papers. Why not have compassion and interview the victim's family? Oh that's right compassion does not sell papers. But this to at least me would be worth the read. This is what this sick mind wants and now you are guilty of giving him the front page paper time. Well done Winnipeg Sun, on an article that at least I will not read.

J. McGregor

You should read it. It illustrates the treatment taxpayers afford our country's worst offenders.


The sentence imposed on Sen. Patrick Brazeau is an absolute farce. What is going on in our justice system? Because of the sentence, Brazeau, without a criminal record, can return to his seat in the Senate and his six-figure salary. How can he have the audacity to even show up? I'd vote to abolish the Senate once and for all. Now is a good time!


The verdict -- or lack of it -- is a joke.

Clear snow for all

Windrows! The word conjures up visions of Christmas card scenes of wind swept snow piling up against fences on farm fields. In this regard, I cannot find fault with the city for refusing to clear the windrows away. However, snow banks (really plow banks or plow rows) that are left after plowing operations should be cleared, be it a back lane or a street. This is especially fair if the city is to continue clearing driveways for some residents. It is either all or none! We all pay our fair share of taxes and are entitled to the same degree of service and who cares if other Canadian cities don't do this.

Paul Najda

The city says it's too expensive to clear snow from all driveways and dumping on private property raises other issues.

Hurt the poor

Re: "Beware of Trudeau's payroll tax," Editorial, Oct. 29.

Wow am I glad I'm not one of those "average Canadians" who makes $45,000 a year. I hate to disagree with the author of this dribble but if $45,000 is considered middle class then there's a lot of people who must be classified as lower class-poor. To me middle class is between 25-35,000. If you're making $45,000 a year I have news for you, you're not middle class and far from what the "average Canadian" makes. Once again this is not going to hurt the rich or the "middle class" it's going to hurt the real workers of this country. The people who make $25,000-$35,000 a year. The shipping/receiving sector, the retail sector, the service sector etc. That's whom this "payroll tax" is going to hurt.

Chris Crapple

Those kinds of jobs will certainly feel the pinch when business have to absorb the impact of their share of the new tax.

Nice going, jerk

I'd like to thank the middle aged man in Pittsburgh who grabbed the puck out of a small child's hands at the Penguins game for confirming my theory that it's every man women and child for themselves in the 21St Century. Bravo.

John William

There's one in every crowd.

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