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Harper suppressing indigenous vote a myth

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For a government that was trying to suppress voter turnout among targeted groups by imposing new identification requirements, the Harper government sure did a lousy job of it.


Last week’s federal election turnout was the highest this country has seen in 22 years. And voter participation in some First Nations communities — the very group outgoing Prime Minister Stephen Harper was supposed to be suppressing — was so high, they ran out of ballots.

So what happened? How come Harper’s plan didn’t work?

Critics of the Harper government, including some First Nations leaders, said the Tories were deliberately trying to suppress the vote among “disadvantaged” Canadians, including aboriginal people, by making them prove their identity at the polls.

According to the critics, if you are either low-income or aboriginal, you fall into the category of people who have trouble producing any type of identification whatsoever. By demanding those people produce I.D. to vote, government was allegedly trying to stop them from casting a ballot.

According to the critics, people in those groups typically vote a certain way — against the Conservatives. I’m not sure how the critics know all this. Normally that kind of stereotyping — where people are assumed to behave and think a certain way based on their race or income — is frowned upon. But not in this story.

In this story, Harper deliberately tried to suppress aboriginal and low-income people from voting by imposing onerous — almost insurmountable — identification requirements, even though there isn’t a shred of evidence to support the claim.

Trouble is, Harper’s alleged plan didn’t work. Turns out the Conservatives gave people far too many options to vote.

For example, if people didn’t have government photo I.D., like a drivers’ licence or a passport, government allowed them to use an almost endless combination of documentation to prove their identity — a student card and a utility bill, a Metis card and a personal cheque, a government statement of benefits and a hospital card, a parolee card and a letter from a public guardian, and the list goes on.

If people couldn’t produce at least one piece of paper with their address on it, they could still vote by having someone in their polling division vouch for them. They could even use expired I.D.

It’s all very odd. How did government expect to suppress the vote with so much flexibility in the system?

Some aboriginal communities saw voter participation last week nearly triple compared to past elections. In the Ontario riding of Kenora, voting was up 73% on the reserves and at least four First Nations communities ran out of ballots and had more shipped in.

“It was so heartening to see,” Tania Cameron of the Dalles First Nation told the Canadian Press. “I was thinking we’re going to see a turnout that Harper never expected.”

Cameron launched the “First Nations Rock the Vote” page on Facebook and organized clinics on how to register to vote. And guess what? Folks had very little trouble reaching into their wallets, purses or sock drawers to gather the required documentation to cast a ballot, including those who were supposedly too disenfranchised to do so.

Go figure. All this crazy democracy stuff going on when we were supposed to see widespread voter suppression.

Obviously government made it far too easy for Canadians to vote. They were supposed to be shutting people out of the electoral system, not giving them all these options to cast a ballot.

Looks like Stephen Harper screwed up big time on this one. 

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