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‘Weak fiscal discipline' causes long-term pain

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Weak fiscal discipline. That's how one of Canada's top bond rating agencies summed up the performance of Premier Greg Selinger and his beleaguered NDP government this week in yet another unflattering credit rating report.

DBRS Ltd., one of three bond rating firms that assess the provincial government's financial performance and issue annual credit ratings, said the NDP's fiscal outlook "continues to disappoint" as it struggles to live within its means and racks up record levels of debt.

The report is not altogether surprising. But it provides further evidence that the province's refusal to get its fiscal house in order is being noticed by the country's financial community. And they don't like what they see.

"Weak fiscal discipline has led to further delays in the province's anticipated fiscal recovery timeline, with a return to balance not foreseen until 2018-19 for core government operations," DBRS said in its report issued Monday.

The NDP government has been posting deficits since 2009, the year Greg Selinger became premier. The books were supposed to be balanced this year. But Selinger has twice pushed back that date, even though he raised gas taxes, expanded the PST in 2010 and increased the rate to 8% the following year. He continues to spend more than he's taking in from own-source revenues and federal transfers.

And it's not the Manitoba economy's fault, either, according to the DBRS report. The province's well-diversified economy and its private-sector players continue to do the best they can in a less-than-optimal economic environment, one that's been undermined by high taxes and pro-union labour laws. DBRS points out that Manitoba's diversified economy and its limited exposure to the struggling energy sector will keep it in good stead for 2015 and 2016.

Which means government doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. The NDP's underlying problem is that for 15 years it has jacked up departmental line spending at unsustainable levels, including under former premier Gary Doer. Those expenditures continue to rise at or above inflationary levels and they're outstripping provincial revenues, even during non-recessionary periods. Economists call that a structural deficit, something Selinger has either chosen to ignore or accepts as part of his increasingly socialist brand of governing.

Selinger seems to believe that if he keeps spending at these levels, the province's books will somehow miraculously recover on their own. But it doesn't work that way, and the evidence shows it hasn't worked that way.

"Despite a sound economic outlook, Manitoba's fiscal outlook continues to disappoint with efforts to restore fiscal balance now further delayed," DBRS wrote.

According to DBRS's calculations, the NDP's deficit in 2014-15 was $1.3 billion when infrastructure costs are included (rather than amortized), which means debt increased by 5.4% that year, leaving Manitoba with the fourth highest debt burden among the provinces, DBRS found.

The Selinger government is like a household that has two good incomes but has a tendency to spend more every year than it's taking in, racking up increasing amounts of credit card and other debt with no plans to align costs with revenues. At some point the household has to get its spending under control or the bank will foreclose on its second and third mortgages.

The bank isn't about to foreclose on the Selinger government. But the NDP continues to move in that direction.

Fortunately, DBRS didn't downgrade the province's credit rating like Moody's Investors Service did last month. DBRS says despite government's poor fiscal record, its debt is still "manageable." For now.

However, a downgrade by one credit rating agency followed by an unflattering ratings report a few weeks later is bad news for a government that is now carrying the highest level of debt in the province's history.

Eventually interest rates will rise and the province's poor credit reports will have a compounding effect, driving borrowing costs up even further. That will have to be financed through higher taxes or by spending less on front-line services, or both.

You can't get around that. That's the long-term cost of having "weak fiscal discipline" in government.

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