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Letters: June 20, 2015

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Other priorities

Re: “Another report on future of Portage and Main,” June 17.

I strongly oppose the idea of re-opening Portage Avenue and Main Street to pedestrians. While the site is Winnipeg’s most famous intersection, our water and basic infrastructure is in dire straits and needs to take priority at this time. We need to clearly define the problem in regard to what needs to be revitalized in our downtown area. Taking the time to reevaluate and select alternatives would be advisable before leaping to a pricy solution such as redesigning the Portage and Main intersection.

Norma Jones

Sure our infrastructure is in immediate need of maintenance, but who says our water is in dire straits?


Isn’t it amazing U2’s Bono can stand there with a straight face and tell Canada we should be doing more in terms of foreign aid. Although we are a large country in terms of geography, we are small in terms of population. We already spend a lot in taxes to three levels of government. Would he have us spend even more so our government can send more money to these developing countries? There are countries out there who do very little towards sending foreign aid so perhaps Bono could go pester them. We are already doing what we can with what we have and to demand more is unreasonable. We have problems in our own country that need to be dealt with and until our taxpayers are in a healthier position financially we can hardly be expected to cure the world’s ills. Canadians have always been a generous lot but there comes a time when we need to say no.


Canada needs to fix itself financially before we start giving more.


I am outraged by the arrogant and uninformed comments by Health Minister Rona Ambrose concerning the medicinal use of cannabis. I suffer from chronic foot pain and have spent thousands of dollars for surgery, a titanium implant, orthotics, orthopaedic shoes, and pain killing drugs. Nothing available in Canada has relieved the pain. I had the opportunity in Colorado to use a legal Extreme Relief THC Salve that comes in a tube that looks like an underarm deodorant and is just as convenient to use. It is the only effective relief that I have found for my condition. The salve is not smoked or taken internally. So why can’t we have it available in Canada?


The appetite for alternate delivery methods is likely strong enough to sway government.


Re: “Bono meets with Harper,” June 8.

I fail to understand why Mr. Harper is wasting his time talking to this washed up leprechaun. None of his business what Canada does with its money. We already give too much money away when we have people here-seniors, children, families -suffering. Let Bono give HIS money to feeding the world and leave our money alone. Mr. Harper needs to learn that charity begins at home.


Harper declined to meet with Bono in 2007 at the G8 saying it wasn’t his “shtick”. Guess it’s his “shtick” now. By the way, there’s no need to insult leprechauns.

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