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Much at stake for Muslims, Canada

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All Islamist extremists are Muslims, but not all Muslims are Islamist extremists.

It's an obvious observation, perhaps embarrassingly so. So why make it?

Because sometimes we need to take a breath and revisit some simple, basic truths as we are assailed by news of horrific acts carried out by terrorists such as member of ISIS and their cohorts -- things like the beheading of a group of Egyptian Coptic Christians, the killing cartoonists in Paris, the burning alive of a Jordanian military pilot, slaughtering people and enslaving girls in Africa, and the attack on our own Parliament buildings.

The shock of such atrocities makes it easy, perhaps even tempting, to paint many people with a too-wide brush. We are shaken, saddened and angered. That state of mind does not lead to the best decisions.

We believe these groups are in part using these horrific acts to terrify, subdue and scatter their opponents as they lay claim to territory, and perhaps also to draw Western powers into a fight that they hope will unite Muslims against a common enemy -- at the same time stampeding us into doing things that erode our own freedoms.

We can't stand by and allow the brutality of the first part of their strategy, but we have to be careful not to stumble into the second. Part of that is to remember who the enemy is, and it isn't Muslims.

Many in our Muslim community -- who themselves would likely be persecuted if they were in ISIS territory -- share the message of their faith other Canadians.

"We do not condone what these Muslims are doing because we condemn it. Strongly. It's not Islam what they're doing. You feel enraged? We feel more enraged than that because they are using the name of our religion," Imam Ansar Raza recently said during a community forum.

The meeting was part of an outreach campaign by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, one of dozens of branches of Islam. They were sharing their point of view -- based on the idea that the Qur'an allows violence only defensively.

They, of course, cannot speak for an entire faith and obviously not all Muslims, including all those in Canada, agree with them. We must be vigilant and challenge, strongly if needed, those who espouse and carry out violence, and do so without fear or favour -- but that should be true of members of any religion or creed. It's the act, not the group, that matters.

If we can take anything from the message of the Ahmadiyya group, it's to remember the Islamic world is complex, most of it stands against the extremists who dominate the news and they have as much if not more at stake in this conflict as the west.

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