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Letters: February 24, 2015

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Crime down?

Re: “Violent crime down: report,” Feb. 18

When you read of the stabbings and shootings on an almost daily basis, its hard to believe violent crime is down. Still, if the WPS think there’s not much to do these days, it can always stake out patrol cars at any intersection in this city. There is an overabundance of drivers blowing through red lights and 4-ways and guaranteed, those numbers are “not” going down. Might even save a few lives in the process.

Al Yakimchuk

Stats are stats, not what the “WPS thinks.”

A curling phenomena

Re: “Blonde ambition,” Feb. 23.

For anyone who has curled, they realize that Scotties winner Jennifer Jones is a fabulous curler. This was her fifth victory in that event, plus winning at the world curling championship (and the Olympics). Most curlers never can hope to reach such success. I am glad that unflappable Jennifer Jones will once again be representing Canada on the world stage. Canada could not have a better representative.

Larry Comeau

Jones will do Canada proud.


Roman Catholic Bishop Fred Henry’s recent letter regarding ‘right to die’ legislation was pretty much predictable. The sanctity of life, physicians ‘doing no wrong,’ the protection of society’s most vulnerable... all worthy values. However, Bishop Henry totally misses a crucial point: when quality of life has been totally eclipsed by soul-destroying pain and suffering, there is nothing noble -- or Christian -- in arbitrarily extending it. In such situations, physicians ‘do harm’ in maintaining life against the wishes of those ‘living’ an end-of-life nightmare. We needn’t fear a stampede of assisted suicides, nor a mass ‘culling’ of folks with disabilities. Making a decision to end life is never taken without a great deal of consideration, consultation, and respect. (Several European countries have long-term right-to-die laws without catastrophic results). Kudos to the Supreme Court of Canada for finally acting on what the vast majority of Canadians have been demanding for a every long time.


Surely you didn’t expect the bishop to say anything other than what he said. Did you?

Extreme solution

Why is it when laws are enacted for things like assisted suicide the extremists dwell on crazy extremes. Grandma is a nuisance euthanize her. It’s called assisted “suicide” not murder for a good reason. If you have ever watched a close friend or relative live out their last days in agony you would realize this law is long overdue.

Grant L. Hooke

No doubt politicians will be careful and specific when crafting this new law.


Re: “Gun owners are second-class citizens,” Lorne Gunter, Feb. 18.

When I disagree with a democratically passed law, I oppose, campaign and maybe even run for office. I do not build a hidden bunker and blatantly break the law. Filed-off serial numbers, conversion to automatic fire, are not an appropriate Canadian protest. It seems this criminal, and that’s what he is, got off somewhat lucky compared to the massacred victims of converted weapons.


He didn’t commit any acts of violence. We agree with Gunter. His punishment seems harsh.

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