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Easy like Monday morning

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As the frontman on Winnipeg's most popular morning radio show, Dave Wheeler can be expected to be pretty self-assured when asked if his latest venture is really going to work.

"Are you kidding me? What tells you that it won't work?" the popular host of Wheeler in the Morning on 92 CITI-FM laughs during an interview a couple of days after it was announced he and his teammates Phil Aubrey and Rena Jae would be joining Drew Kozub and Jenna Khan for City TV's new breakfast format, a morning mash-up of radio and TV that is unlike anything done to date.

The new wake-up show replaces Breakfast Television, which City announced it was cancelling earlier this week.

"There's nothing else like it out there," Rena said.

"This is a situation where all eyes across the country are going to be on Winnipeg," Wheeler added. "There's going to be people watching because they're fans ... There's going to be industry people watching to figure out how exactly we're going to pull this off."

Indeed it is some uncharted waters for the newly formed team of five, Aubrey said -- but their approach to the show isn't going to be different just because a few cameras are turned on them.

"As far as the content, that was part of the discussion was 'We don't want you to change,'" he said. "That's been said over and over to us by the brass, if you will. We have continued to pose that question from Day 1: 'We're an edgy show, you know that right?' And they're like 'Yeah, that's why we want this.' So that's highly important to us that the show remain the same."

So the radio trio is convinced life will go on as usual, although Rena admits there will be some adjustments to lifestyle for what Wheeler called a "kind of voyeuristic experience."

"I'm not going to be able to eat or drink coffee during breaks; I'm going to actually have to dress up. No more pyjamas to work," she joked. "It'll be a change, but I'm excited to take on the challenge."

Kozub and Khan said a familial environment already exists and their rhythm as longtime coworkers should jive fine when paired with the radio crew.

"This is going to give us a new chance to offer some different personalities than we've gotten to show previously on Breakfast Television," Kozub said. "It's not like we're going in as a group of strangers trying to figure things out. We're already pretty good friends and really excited to be moving together on this cool new thing."

Khan said there will be some things to work through.

"Five people chatting at the same time, that's a lot of voices and a lot of strong personalities," she said. "I think that's some of the fun of this is figuring that out."

Change bittersweet for former BT hosts

The good news for Drew Kozub and Jenna Khan was not without a touch of harsh reality.

When City channel announced last week that its long-running Breakfast Television program would be replaced by a new-look Wheeler in the Morning, the two on-screen hosts were put in a bittersweet situation. Asked to stay on as hosts of the TV portion of the half-and-half, Kozub and Khan knew their good news was being coupled with the hurt of co-workers who were laid off in the switch.

"That was a bad day for everyone," Khan said. "It was a bad day for the people who didn't lose their jobs, it was a really bad day for the people who did.

"... We're a family and I think we were just really sad."

Rogers announced 14 people linked to Breakfast Television were laid off with another 11 shuffled into the new show that debuts Monday morning.

Khan called it the nature of the media business, where layoffs are an unfortunate and all-too-common occurrence.

"All you can do is move forward," she said. "It's happened to many of our colleagues, it's happened in our house before and you never know when it's going to happen again. You take on the next project and keep going ahead."

Kozub said the familial atmosphere at BT meant the announcement was met with a coming together of people who are more than just coworkers.

"It's not about us consoling coworkers, it's sitting down and talking with friends," he said. "These are people we know really well and we want to make sure that we're there for each other."

Twitter: @LarkinsWSun

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