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Letters: Dec. 17, 2012

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Re: “Trudeau’s Winning Strategy,” (Warren Kinsella, Dec. 8).

So Kinsella figures his Shiny Pony’s constant flip-flopping on issues is “Wise & Schrewd”? This spineless flake probably can’t decide what to have for dinner without flip-flopping at least twice. This clown is just doing what all other Liberals have done for decades. Lie through their teeth and promise each part of the country what they think it wants to hear until they get into power. I remember his father fighting a whole election campaign against Wage & Price controls in the 1970s. Only to implement them two days after he won the election. Kinsella’s hero Chretien lied about killing the GST if elected, when in reality he had no intention to do it. The Shiny Pony has been schooled by the best two-faced liars in the country, Kinsella’s Liberals. There is no doubt he will do exactly the opposite of what he campaigns on if ever getting into power. Like his father he will no doubt come after the West. I can’t imagine what the rest of the world would think of this country if we sent this spineless flip-flopper on the world stage to represent us. It no doubt would be worse than Kinsella’s other buffoon Chretien.

Rod de Laroque

The Liberals are so far back in the polls, even a shiny pony won’t bolster their chances.


Re: “Oilsands deals a go” (David Akin, Dec. 8).

How can a democratic government do something to which 70% (according to a recent poll) of Canadians are opposed? Prime Minister Stephen Harper said “when we say that Canada is open for business, we do not mean that Canada is for sale to foreign governments.” Yet that is exactly what our government has done. Being open for business does not mean giving away the store and sending your customer directly to your supplier. Some media are commenting that the PM saying state-owned enterprises would no longer be able to buy into the oilsands, is shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted — I’d say it’s more like letting the fox into the henhouse. Do these people really not understand Communism? The PM spoke of “a net benefit for Canada,” yet any upside to this deal will be infinitesimal. This is a really bad deal, which perhaps can still be un-implemented. A CSIS director once warned of “undue foreign influence in the Canadian government.” Perhaps this is the result of an unheeded warning.

Mike McAllister

There are more details yet to come on this deal.

Payback for NHL

Re: “Agreeing to disagree” (Bruce Garrioch, Dec. 13).

Let’s sum up the NHL lockout in two words — who cares? For the third time in the last few years the powers that be have spoiled our fun. No one, it seems, can agree on anything but to disagree. The bigwigs on both sides, with their huge egos and overblown delusions of self importance and grandeur, have almost lost another season. Millionaires on both sides fighting over dollars. It really seems no one cares about the fans or the thousands of jobs lost, and businesses threatened by this whole sordid affair. If ever an agreement is reached, fans should stay away, change the channel — payback’s a ... well, you know. Enough is enough.

Greg Baldwin

There will always be those who won’t stay away.

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