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Letters: Sept. 7

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Legitimate voter

I would like to organize bus tours for Canadians to vote in this fall’s election in the U.S. If Mitt Romney is elected, the Keystone Pipeline is assured.

As it is no longer legal to challenge your citizenship at American polling stations, non-Americans (illegals) can now vote if they wish. It would be in Canada’s best interests to vote for Mitt Romney. What you will need to know is “estoy aqui para votar” (I am here to vote) and “no hablo ingles” (I don’t speak English). This will convince the American authorities you are a legitimate voter and you’re good to go.


Not the best advice, but the situation is a tad absurd.

Don’t target cyclists

I keep hearing the same rhetoric about bicycle helmets. As I ride through the streets and see cars and SUVs and trucks zooming along with cellphones and text messages coming and going, I can’t help but think who profits from the expense of tickets issued to cyclists without helmets. Who pays? Just us cyclists.

As you text-messaging jerks park atop a bicycle with your SUV, typing “LOL” to your new BFF Suzie, I wonder why it’s a priority to make a flimsy bike helmet law. They are useless against the massive trauma caused by crashes with vehicles and well, lets be serious: It’s the bozos with no regard for the traffic law that are our greatest threat.

Get the texters off the road and I will accept the risk of bumping my head by falling down — because that’s all a bike helmet was made to protect me from.


If motorists can be fined, it was only a matter of time before cyclists were targeted.

Obama is weak

Re: ‘Obama’s record nothing to celebrate,’ Sept. 2 editorial.

President Obama’s record as president is abysmal. From holding the record as the biggest spending president in American history by adding trillions to the debt to seeing unemployment skyrocket, wasting billions of dollars in bailouts that have not worked, and bringing in Obamacare the country simply could not afford, his term in office has certainly produced “change” — but not the change those who elected him wanted.

Thus, the Democrats are now asking voters to look to the future, wanting them to forget America’s current economic debacle, promising things will get better, if they just give Obama another four years. There’s an old saying: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Americans better remember this when they vote in November.


The race is shaping up to be a nail-biter.


Re: ‘To Russia, with love,’ Aug. 30.

It’s hard to believe it’s been 40 years since the Summit Series. I will never forget when Paul Henderson scored the winning goal in Game 8, Many memorable moments in perhaps some of the greatest games ever. I will always remember where I was and where I watched as a proud, young Canadian.

The antics and intimidation by Soviet authorities gave us all the proof we needed — our country is the greatest in the world. Now, even as just a fan, I still get chills when I see “the goal” or hear Foster Hewitt’s commentary,


It was, and still is, a great moment for our country.

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