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Courting disaster over bail

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Judges would have an easy job if they could see into the future.

They would know who could be safely released on bail, who deserved a break, and who deserved the hammer, and never worry that they had made a mistake.

Back in the real world, judges are often convinced to release offenders who return to crime faster than the ink can dry on their bail papers. It happens to every judge, the good ones and the bad ones, the hard asses and the soft touches.

Sometimes the consequences are minor. Sometimes they are tragic.

What goes on inside a judge’s head when they release somebody who goes on to commit horrible crimes? Do they carry a burden of guilt forever, or chalk it up to a bad day at the office and move on?

“I released somebody (who later) murdered his wife,” said Judge A, a retired judge who spoke to the Winnipeg Sun on the condition he not be named.

The man was charged with assaulting his wife, released on bail and then re-arrested for breaching a no-contact order, Judge A said.

“I called the breach very benign, very innocuous,” the judge said.

Two weeks after the judge released him, the man murdered his wife and killed himself.

“You feel sick, literally sick,” he said. “I can’t say I vomited, because I didn’t, but had I a full stomach I might have.

“I’ve talked to other (judges) who have released people who killed or raped or got into serious problems on bail ... and even if they should have been released on bail you can’t help feeling sick at heart.”

In the months that followed, Judge A was slow to release bail applicants — even when they deserved it.

“It’s human nature, once burned, and you can’t be burned more than having someone’s life go out the window, if not wholly, at least in part because of something you did,” he said.

Some judges, Judge A alleged, routinely deny bail in cases where they shouldn’t, knowing they won’t invite public scrutiny for keeping someone behind bars.

“Lawyers and judges are no different than the people you work with — no one likes taking the heat,” he said. “The worst judges will always take the safe side and deny bail ... because they are perfectly safe then. If somebody else releases this guy and they get into trouble then it’s on another judge’s back. Some judges are tougher on bail for reasons of principle and some of them are protecting their butt.”

Another long-time judge, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said he once released a suspected drug dealer on bail only to see him shot to death weeks later in a drug deal gone bad.

“The Crown urged me not to let the guy out because he was a known gang member from a rural town and he was highly involved in the drug trade,” said Judge B. “Whatever it was, I was convinced that day that I should release him. As a result, he’s dead, and if he had been kept in custody he’d probably still be alive.”

Judges make mistakes, sometimes fatal ones, but locking up every accused is not the answer, Judge B said.

“We have more people awaiting trial than we have sentenced prisoners in our jails,” he said. “That’s a sad comment on our ability to get people to trial and on the efficiency of our bail system, but that’s the reality.”

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