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Brodbeck: Publication ban at Sinclair inquiry won't help kids

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The lawyer representing government social workers set to testify at the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry says his clients will become “game for the bloody-minded” and will be “pilloried” by online commentators if their names and identities are not protected.

Lawyer Garth Smorang, representing Manitoba Government and General Employees Union staff, told the inquiry Wednesday that identifying the 24 social workers called to testify would damage their careers and make it difficult for them to do their jobs in a sensitive line of work.

He said the news media would publicly vilify them and that journalists can’t be trusted to report the truth or provide accurate information to the public.

“(The media) is primarily interested, in my respectful submission, in the sensationalisation of stories and the laying of blame,” said Smorang. “That’s what the media does and there’s really nothing we can do about that.”

As a result, he’s calling on Commissioner Ted Hughes to institute a full publication ban on the names, identities and faces of his clients.

Otherwise, his clients will face an unfair public flogging, including from nasty online commentators who will vilify his clients on reader response boards, said Smorang.

“Those social workers will become game for the bloody-minded,” he said.

Good grief. Can someone please nominate this guy for an Academy Award?

I get that he’s just a lawyer paid to protect the interests of his clients and that it’s not his responsibility to ensure this inquiry is open and transparent.

His job is to grasp at any straw possible in a desperate bid to convince Commissioner Hughes to limit public access to the inquiry.

I also understand that like any colourful lawyer, Smorang is going to show a little flair for the dramatic.

But “game for the bloody-minded?” And he’s accusing the media of sensationalizing this story?

Pretty sure Garth is doing a fine job of that all on his own.

He’s done more to sensationalize this story than any media outlet in the city.

The problem with Smorang’s argument, though, is that when we hold it up to the light of rational thinking we see that it has more holes in it than a brick of Emmental cheese.

Smorang kept repeating that allowing the media to identify his clients would have a detrimental effect not only on their ability to do their jobs, but also on the delivery of child protection as a whole.

But when Hughes asked Smorang how a publication ban in this inquiry would help protect children in care, the flamboyant lawyer was a bit lost for words.

He gave some lame answer again about how it would affect the social workers’ ability to do their jobs. But he didn’t have an adequate answer for the former trial judge’s very good question.

And that’s because a publication ban would do nothing to help protect children in care. It might help protect Smorang’s clients from being held publicly accountable, but it’s not going to help protect children in care.

What will help protect children in care in the future is a full, open and public inquiry into what went so wrong when Sinclair was killed at the hands of her mother and her demented common-law husband.

And that can only happen if all witnesses — including senior bureaucrats and middle managers in the child welfare system — come to the inquiry and give their testimony on the record with no protection for anyone.

This is a “public” inquiry, Garth, not a private meeting.


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