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Sex-scandal judge probe begins Monday

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Alex Chapman will learn Tuesday morning if he can have a lawyer represent him at an inquiry into the conduct of Associate Chief Justice Lori Douglas.


Chapman, who claims Douglas and her lawyer husband Jack King sexually harassed him a decade ago, is also seeking an order that his legal fees be paid by the federal government.

“A fair hearing cannot take place without Mr. Chapman having his own counsel here,” lawyer Rocco Galati told an inquiry panel Monday.

While the inquiry is not concerned with Chapman’s activities, its findings will have a direct impact on his “dignity, integrity and reputation,” Galati said.

“If this panel finds he is not believed he is totally discredited,” Galati said.

If the panel believes his evidence, he is “vindicated.”

“If Chapman doesn’t get standing on these facts, who would?” Galati said.


Inquiry counsel Guy Pratte and Molly Reynolds, one of Douglas’ lawyers, both opposed granting Chapman standing at the hearing.

“To the extent that Chapman has any rights, his remedies are available in other courts,” Pratte said.

King was Chapman’s divorce lawyer in 2003. King has admitted he tried to engage Chapman in a sexual affair with Douglas and showed Chapman naked pictures of her. King posted those same pictures on an online sex site.

King and Douglas both say Douglas was unaware of King’s actions.

Douglas is also accused of failing to mention the pictures when she later applied to become a judge, knowing it would reflect negatively on the judiciary.

If Chapman is granted standing, testimony in the inquiry could be delayed until late July.

The inquiry panel rejected two applications for intervener status, one from local blogger Claire Pieuk, the second from Cher Hazen, who had a custody decided by Douglas. Twitter: @deanatwpgsun


Alex Chapman set off a media firestorm in August 2010 when he revealed his former divorce lawyer Jack King tried seven years earlier to lure him into a sexual affair with wife Lori Douglas.

Chapman claimed Douglas, then a lawyer in private practice, was fully aware of King’s plans and flirted with him when the three met for drinks at a Winnipeg bar.

King admitted showing Chapman nude pictures of Douglas and posting the same pictures on the Internet without Douglas’ knowledge.

Douglas says she had no knowledge of her husband’s “mad and undisclosed fantasy.”

Chapman said he rebuffed King and later negotiated a $25,000 confidentiality agreement, which included a promise to destroy all pictures and correspondence he received from King.

Just last week, a judge ordered that Chapman repay the $25,000, ruling Chapman clearly violated the confidentiality agreement.

In the wake of the scandal, Douglas was placed, at her request, on administrative duty

In September 2010, Chapman filed lawsuits totaling $67 million against King, Douglas and their former law firm. All three lawsuits were quickly dropped.

In March 2011, King pleaded guilty before a Law Society disciplinary panel to three counts of professional misconduct, which included sexual harassment of a client, conflict of interest and failing to act with integrity.

In July 2011, the Canadian Judicial Council announced it would hold an inquiry that could end in Douglas’ removal from the bench.

The inquiry will hear evidence from its first witness Monday.


Since its inception in 1971, the Canadian Judicial Council has referred just nine complaints to an inquiry committee for investigation. Of the eight cases heard to date, four resulted in judges voluntarily stepping down from office before their fate could be decided by Parliament.


The Canadian Judicial Council recommends Ontario Superior Court Justice Paul Cosgrove be removed from the bench after an inquiry committee concluded he abused his judicial powers when he stayed charges against accused murderer Julia Elliott. Cosgrove, who presided over Elliott’s lengthy trial, inappropriately aligned himself with the defence, interfered with the Crown’s case and misused his powers of contempt, said the inquiry committee. Cosgrove resigned before the matter could be decided by Parliament.


Ontario Superior Court Justice Theodore Matlow is brought before an inquiry committee following allegations he used his position to fight construction of a townhouse development near his Toronto home. The CJC concludes Matlow is guilty of judicial misconduct but his actions do not warrant removing him from office.


An inquiry committee finds Superior Court of Quebec Justice Jean-Guy Boilard acted improperly when he withdrew from a trial continuation for what the committee considered no valid reason. The CJC concluded Boilard acted in good faith and there was no basis for removing him from office.


An inquiry committee recommends Justice Bernard Flynn be removed from office after he speaks to a Le Devoir reporter about a controversial land purchase involving a group of Montreal-area cottage owners, one of whom is his wife. The CJC rules Flynn’s actions were “inappropriate and unacceptable” but do not merit his removal from office.


Superior Court of Quebec Justice Robert Flahiff is convicted of money laundering and sentenced to three years in prison. Flahiff resigns after CJC recommends he be removed from office.

June 1996

An inquiry committee recommends Superior Court of Quebec Justice Jean Bienvenue be removed from office following controversial comments about women and Nazis at the second-degree murder sentencing for Tracy Theberge. Women who commit murder “sink to depths to which even the vilest man could not sink,” Bienvenue told Theberge. “Even the Nazis did not eliminate millions of Jews in a painful and bloody manner.” Bienvenue resigned before the matter could be decided by Parliament.


An inquiry committee examines whether Ontario Justice F.L. Gratton should be removed from office on grounds of incapacitation or infirmity. Gratton resigns before conclusion of inquiry committee hearing.


Nova Scotia Appeal Court Justices Gordon Hart, Malachi Jones and Angus MacDonald come under the scrutiny of inquiry committee after issuing a ruling partially blaming Donald Marshall for his wrongful murder conviction. The inquiry committee criticizes the justices for their choice of words but concludes they do not warrant removing them from office.

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