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Lunney: 12 games not enough

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I’m very glad I’m not the parent of a hockey referee.

If I were, I think I’d have to attend every game they worked and stand at the gate as they came off the ice.

And I wouldn’t be thrilled with the message sent by the Manitoba Junior Hockey League on Saturday. The league suspended Dauphin Kings coach and general manager, Marlin Murray, 12 games for an abusive tirade last Thursday at the St. James Civic Centre.

Murray tossed everything in his reach on the ice, including bunches of sticks. He capped it off by taking aim and launching a stick like a javelin directly at one official who was standing near centre ice. The stick bounced off the ice and struck the ref on the leg. Had the ref moved any closer to the bench, it could have hit him in the mid section or the head.

The incident was caught on video, which begins in progress and lasts 83 seconds.

In an era where it’s getting more difficult to attract and keep young officials, this suspension has done little to encourage them. Maybe that’s not the MJHL’s role, but now the precedent has been set. Fire a stick at a ref like a harpoon, hey, even make contact, the worst you’ll get is a dozen games.

“I’m hugely disappointed in the penalty that was given out,” said Gary Borse, Hockey Winnipeg’s vice president of officials. “I think that’s far too lenient, especially for the length of the tirade that went on. I think from a rules standpoint we need to have penalties that really deter future incidents like that.

“I understand if someone gets upset, takes a water bottle and tosses it out on the ice, but I think we’ve gone well past that in this instance ... (The suspension) really doesn’t support what happened.”

The Kings’ season ended on Saturday in Dauphin when they lost 6-3 to the Winnipeg Saints, who took the Sherwood Division semifinal 4-1. That means Murray serves one game this season and 11 next season — providing it isn’t reduced upon an appeal.

“What quite possibly could have happened — if Dauphin had been successful — he could have been coaching in the final and I think that’s inappropriate,” Borse said.

Glenn Diduck sees the emotion of hockey from just about every angle — a hockey coach, parent and referee, and he was stunned at the length of the suspension.

“That’s all he got was 12 games?” asked Diduck, who is Seven Oaks Minor Hockey Association’s referee in chief and just completed his fifth year as head coach of the Garden City Fighting Gophers high school female team. “I think he should have been given a year suspension and then brought to a hearing after that.

“I mean if somebody threw a stick and it hit me, I’d be pretty pissed off. I think when (younger refs) see this (suspension) they’re going to say ‘holy smokes.’ ”

Abuse from coaches is so bad on young officials in his area that it’s resulted in the refs being scared to call penalties, Diduck said.

What does that lead to? More abuse from frustrated coaches.

“There’s been a few games I’ve seen in the Maples area, and the parents and coaches are waiting for them to come off the ice. It’s really bad,“ he said.

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