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Treat your body in 2012

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Welcome to 2012. Don’t fail me now! Resolution or not, this is the perfect time to switch up your game plan and treat your body like a temple. It’s a simple joy of mine. Each new year marks a new game plan for fitness, finances, and family. If the previous year wasn’t successful. If it was going well and growing, I continue on the path and work harder. It’s easier to put more effort into a plan when you see the results.

Your health is critical to your enjoyment of life. If you have followed the advice on “Workout Wednesday”, or tuned in to my radio show “The Weigh In” on TSN 1290 you will have a solid appreciation of what it takes to be fit, and a clear vision of what you should be doing. If this is your first time reading let me bring you up to speed

  1. Find a friend, trainer and team of experts to have around you. If you have a question make sure you can get it answered. Doesn’t cost a penny to have names and numbers, and the advice when you need it is priceless
  2. Make time in your schedule and don’t break your fitness dates with yourself. If you plan it, do it. There is nothing more important that you
  3. When you exercise, put in some intensity. There is nothing worse than spending an hour at the gym and not working towards results. Time shouldn’t pass by, it should be “spent” specifically on getting results.
  4. Have fun. Find that thing that gets your heart rate up, and puts a smile on your face. Try new things like boxing, kickboxing, plyometrics, sprint training and all things functional training

Now that you are up to speed, plan all this into your life. Set aside 45 minutes each day for exercise and 15-20 minutes to prepare food for the day. You will need a big day on Sunday to cook food, but after that it should be as easy as just putting it all together. Start 2012 with a bang. The fitness classes I put on have a simple scientific approach. They are what I like to call CERTified total body changers.

If you are putting together a workout it must always contain compound movements, meaning lots of moving joints and muscles. Not just bicep curls. We also encourage people to be explosive, if joints and health permit. That means burpees, squat jumps and short sprints. Nothing at all beats getting the heart rate up with short sprints and anaerobic work. Rotational work also has to be part of what you do. You have to control your core, not just do sit ups. Adding medicine ball work, and one-sided weight work is key to overall body sculpting. Finally, you have to target the core. Planks and stability work, traditional situps, and a few exercises to target the back and stabilizers of the spine. That is the key to workout design. Certified done once you add all those components to the workout. If you do it smart and go in to the workout focused, you can be out and in the shower in 45 minutes.

It’s the start of another new year. 2012 is the breakout year for It’s the year that will start to change the nation, one city at a time. Get started, work with friends, get your workplace motivated. It doesn’t matter where you are at, it only matters where you finish. Each step you take towards health and wellness will only make you a better person. If you want energy, muscle tone, and all those good things that come from exercise … start exercising. Welcome to a NEW YEAR!


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